Campus Life
The Fu-Jen University has great advantages in development. As a comprehensive university, in addition to college of science and engineering, the school has a polytechnic college, including a foreign language school, an art academy, a people's livelihood college, a fabric and clothing college, and a law school. Another advantage is the geographical location, the auxiliary transportation is convenient, and the MRT at the school gate leads directly to Taipei.

The school is adjacent to Zhongzheng Road and is one of the most prosperous main roads in Xinzhuang. The MRT Line along the Zhongzheng Road almost includes “Danfeng", "Huilong", "Fuda", "Xinzhuang", "Tauqianzhuang", "Xianyu” stations. The 6 Grand MRT Stations have made the development of the Zhongzheng Road business district soaring rapidly, recreating the successful experience of the “Zhongxiao East Road” on the Bannan MRT Line in Taipei. The MRT Danfeng Station is very close to the Airport MRT A6 Guihe Station, and has direct access to the A2 "Sanchong" MRT station and has a direct 20-minute transportation advantage to downtown Taipei.
The school connects the two major Xinzhuang traffic lifelines between Zhongzheng Road and Xinbei Avenue, and can quickly connect the Wugu interchange of Zhongshan high way. It can also be connected to the National No. 3 Highway by the 65 expressway, and therefore the New Taipei City's three Horizontal and three Vertical Road Network will be strung together. In addition to the existing University business district and Shuangfeng business district, COSTCO is more optimistic about the outbreak of the Xinzhuang population, and recently opens a super-large branch of more than 4,000 pings near the university. This greatly shifted the economic layout of Xinzhuang, plus the completed university hospital, and has created a highly popular life function for the school.
Foods around the University:
THE BURGER惹堡北澤壽喜燒V+ING CAFEGourmet Pasta
新濟州Goodday加州墨西哥餐廳小蒙牛皮諾丘鮮友火鍋、工寓咖啡、Hey Ya’ll Diner荷亞輕食館輔大店、貓故事和食坊
Foods around Xinzhuang City:
H&D客家小館沐也日式涮涮鍋劉震川日韓風味鍋大元寶涮涮鍋八雲町和牛海鮮鍋物專賣店兵工廠美式廚房米豆早午餐-碳烤吐司、壽喜燒一丁二代目、ANIKI、上禾町日式燒烤吃到飽、子咖啡館角頭炙燒牛排京藏燒肉鑽木取火燒肉輔大花園夜市2013輔大聖誕點燈Ans nail 艾娜絲美甲保養專門店
University Campus Three Treasures: 
The campuses of Fu Jen University (hereinafter referred to as FJU) are famous for their three treasures, namely "Food Ice Cream", "Heart Garden Muffins" and "FJU Big Pineapple" which is re-emerged in public life. The hottest level even leaves outsiders will make pilgrimages to buy.

The Catholic Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital, referred to as the FJU hospital or FJU medicine, is a private medical institution in New Taipei City, Taiwan. It is one of the main teaching hospitals of Fu Jen University Medical College and was initially classified as a regional hospital. The site is separated from the main campus of Fu Jen University and is adjacent to the A5a station in the Taoyuan International Airport Rapid Transit. The concept of “taking patient needs as the center” in the Hospital will be implemented in practice. The information innovation center will be set up in the hospital, and the intelligent design, patient waiting time calculation, patient satisfaction and home care will be included. Track the database and continue to make progress. The president Dr. Jiang Hansheng emphasized that the Hospital is a new and innovative hospital with a curved appearance, a high-rise hall on the first floor and a display of various works of art. The pursuit is "care". After the patient and his family walked into the hospital, there was no oppression feeling and no urgency. Treatment is not only a disease, but also a soothing mood.

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