Alumni Funds
     Donate Method          Usage
When the EE Alumni Association was established, the membership system was adopted and the membership fee was collected on the department to support the activities of the Association. (For the source of funds, please refer to Article 18 of the Chapter 5 of the Constitution of the Alumna Association in the eighth session). A fund account was set up to raise funds for the Association. In the past, through the sponsorship of many enthusiastic alumni, many activities have been successfully promoted. However, with the increase in the number of alumni joining the club, in addition to the annual meeting of friends, the club has planned more activities (such as: dinner, reception, participation Interviews, lectures...). To enhance the connection between alumni it is necessary to invest more funds to serve more alumni. Please use the following donation methods to give support and encouragement. The EE Alumni Association a will be able to serve more friends because of your enthusiasm.

** FJU EE Alumni Fund (108/3/29) Balance= $306,576 NT Dollars

Alumni Funds Donate Method
  1. 銀行匯款: 直接匯入系友會基金帳戶,郵局局號 2441376,帳號 0508153。戶名 「輔大電子電機工程學系系友會+當屆會長姓名」,目前是「輔大電子電機工程學系系友會江崇祥
  2. ATM轉帳: 銀行代號請輸入「700」,帳號請輸入「24413760508153
  3. 現金存入: 直接將現金交由系辦公室存入系友會基金帳戶。
  4. 新台幣支票捐款: 填妥系友系友會基金捐款單(附件),連同支票寄交電機系辦公室,支票抬頭「輔大電子電機工程學系系友會+當屆會長姓名」。
(1) 請先下載並填妥捐款單 (如附件): 請註明「指定用途」(如贊助〇〇參訪活動餐費,贊助系友會活動餐費)。
(2) 傳真至02-29042638或e-mail至ee2010@mail.fju.edu.tw,系辦公室與捐款人確認後存查。
(3) 再依您捐款方式捐款。
(4) 系辦公室再與郵局確認。
(5) 在系辦確認收到捐款後,對於每一筆捐款,系辦再開立收據。
說明 : 不同於系所發展基金,系友基金會捐款並非入學校帳戶,所以僅能由系辦開立收據,但此收據無法併入所得稅辦理減免
Alumni Funds Usage
  1. 支援系友會針對全體會員所舉辦之各項活動 (如: 系友大會酒會、企業參訪、系友聚餐、專業講座...)。
  2. 系友聯繫工作費用。
  3. 系友會相關文具刊物印刷、郵寄費用。
  4. 可設置獎學金。
  5. 系友急難救助慰問
  6. 其他經常務委員會討論通過之事項


icon_download 下載檔案 - 系友會基金捐款說明 & 捐款單 (1080503).doc
icon_download 下載檔案 - 輔大電機電子系友會基金設置辦法管理組施行細則(1070602ok).doc

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