This webpage is a compilation of the film learning resources related to the course of this semester, which is conducive to the self-learning or after-school review. The traditional memorization and calculation learning can be replaced by image and situational learning, and thus the basic principles of the course can be understood more effectively, as well as its applications.
  • Introduction to Wireless Communication
Text Book: Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice (2nd Edition)
Reference Web: Wireless Communication TutorialMicrowave Engineering Tutorial  
How Digital
Communication Works 
How does your
mobile phone work?
Mobile Communications
How WiFi and Cell Phones Work 
Understanding Spectrum! 
Understanding Modulation   
Internet & Telecommunication
Technology | Preview
How does Satellite
Television work? 
How does the INTERNET work? 
Understanding Routing!     
How do Satellites work?
Optical fiber cables,
how do they work?
►  How does your mobile phone work? | ICT #1   ►  How does the INTERNET work? | ICT #2
►  Optical fiber cables, how do they work? | ICT #3   ►  How does an Antenna work? | ICT #4
►  Understanding Spectrum! | ICT #5   ►  Understanding Modulation! | ICT #6
►  Understanding Routing! | ICT#7   ►  Understanding Encryption! | ICT #8
►  How do Satellites work? | ICT #9   ►  How does Satellite Television work? | ICT #10
mmWave massive MIMO
for wirelessand broadband
Comba 5G Massive MIMO
Antenna & 3D Beamforming
Everything You Need to Know
About 5G 
Animating 5G:
Millimeter Wave     
Natural waves simulation 
Varying short delays
multipath channel     
Time-frequency selective channel 
Effect of delay diversity  
  • Complex number 
Text Book: Complex Analysis, John H. Mathews, Russell W. Howell.
Reference Web: Essence of calculus; Mathematics
Fourier Series Square Wave 可視化的傅里葉變換  Fourier Transform, Fourier Series, and frequency spectrum Imaginary Numbers,
Functions of Complex Variables
Laplace Transform Explained
and Visualized Intuitively   
Resonance Circuits:   LC Inductor-Capacitor Resonating Circuits  Transmission Lines - Signal Transmission and Reflection 摺積(捲積)與單位脈衝響應 


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