  1. Lu, H.-Y., Lin, C.-C., Hsu, H.-C., Hung, M.-T., Kuo, M.-Y., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) In vivo Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Ankle Joint Complex During Dynamic Dorsiflexion and Plantarflexion Using Alternating Bi-planar Fluoroscopy. 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 14.(壁報論文競賽特優)
  2. Pai, S.-C., Lin, C.-C., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) Effects of Movement Speeds on 3-D Motion Tracking Accuracy of the Tibiofemoral Joint Using Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Image. 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 14.
  3. Li, S.-Y., Lin, C.-C., Hsu, C.-Y., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) A Feasibility Study of a New Fluoroscopy-to-MRI registration Method to Measure in vivo Three-Dimensional Intervertebral Kinematics of the Subaxial Cervical Spine during Flexion-Extension. 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 14. (壁報論文競賽優等)
  4. Chang, D.-E., Hsu, C.-Y., and Lin, C.-C.* (2017) Development of Single Camera-Based Computer Assisted Navigation System for Acetabular Cup Positioning. 2017 Annual Scientific Meeting of Taiwanese Society of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 14.
  5. Lu, M., Lin, C.-C., and Wu. C.-H. (2017) Effects of Marker Cluster Composition on the Calculated Canine Stifle Kinematics. American College of Veterinary Surgeons Surgery Summit, Indianapolis, USA, Oct 11-14.
  6. Wu, C.-H.*, Lin, C.-C., Chang, C.-L., and Lu, T.-W. (2017) Quantification of Soft Tissue Artifacts in Canine Hindlimb During Passive Stifle Activity. XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27.
  7. Lin, C.-C.*, Li, J.-D., Lu, T.-W., Kuo, M.-Y., and Hsu, H.-C. (2017) Development and Validation of a Model-Based Tracking Technique in Conjunction with Alternating Biplane X-ray Imaging System for Measuring 3-D Joint Kinematics. XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27.
  8. Lu, H.-Y., Lin, C.-C., Hsu, H.-C., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) Feasibility of a Model-Based Tracking Method for Measuring In Vivo 3-D Kinematics of the Ankle Joint Complex Using Alternating Biplane Fluoroscopy. XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27.
  9. Pai, S.-C., Li, J.-D., Lin, C.-C., Kuo, M.-Y., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) Comparisons of Tibiofemoral Contact Patterns During Cycling Estimated With and Without Considering Cartilage. XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27.
  10. Shih, K.-S., Lin, C.-K., Lu, H.-L., Li, S.-Y., Lin, C.-C., and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) Three-Dimensional Kinematics of Total Knee Replacement During Sit-to-Stand: Comparisons Between Minimally-Invasive and Patient-Specific Instrumentation Procedures. XXVI Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics, Brisbane, Australia, July 23-27.
  11. Lin, C.-C.*, Hsu C.-Y., Shih, T.-F., and Lu, T.-W. (2017) Slice-to-Volume Registration Method Using Real-Time MRI for Vertebral Localization. International Conference on Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Penghu, April 14-15.
  12. Pai, S.-C., Lin, C-.C., Li, J.-D., Kuo, M.-Y. and Lu, T.-W.* (2017) Comparison of Three-Dimensional Arthrokinematics of Tibiofemoral Joint Calculated With Subject-Specific and Virtual Cartilage Models. International Conference on Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Penghu, April 14-15. (Outstanding Oral Presentation Award)
  13. Hu, Y.-W., Lin, C.-C., and Wu, C.-H.* (2017) Soft Tissue Artifacts of the Thigh in Canine During Hip Rotation: A Feasibility Study. International Conference on Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Penghu, April 14-15.
  14. Lu, M., Lin, C.-C., and Wu, C.-H.* (2017) Effect of Marker Composition on Rigid and Non-Rigid Movements of Skin Marker Cluster in Motion for Canine Hindlimb. International Conference on Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Penghu, April 14-15. (The Poster Award)
  15. Wang, S.-N., Wu, C.-H., and Lin, C.-C.* (2017) Influence of Soft Tissue Artifacts on the Calculated Canine Stifle Kinematics Using Two-Dimensional Models. International Conference on Biomechanics, Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology, Penghu, April 14-15.


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